October 6th 2012 SENSATIONAL MIX announced the founding of a new free state: Vrijstaat AFRI!
Vrijstaat AFRI (AFRI Freestate) is an artistic-political simulation in order to create a platform for and with the citizens of the Afrikaander neighbourhood in Rotterdam South. This area on the southside of the river Maas recently has been declared the worst location in the Netherlands and has been placed under direct state control in order to resolve problems like poverty, unemployment and criminal activities. Although citizens of Rotterdam South acknowledge the problems, they are also proud of their neighbourhoods. They have their own opinions and ideas but are rarely consulted. Citizens of Vrijstaat AFRI however will heard! Within Vrijstaat AFRI they are able to initiate plans and find people to collaborate in order to realise these plans. These can be plans regarding culture, education, environment, art...anything that helps to create a better atmosphere in the neigbourhood.
On the 4th of January 2013 SENSATIONAL MIX (as daily management of Vrijstaat AFRI) coordinates new years celebration activities of 12 organisations in the Afrikaanderwijk ánd initiates new activities especially for Vrijstaat AFRI.